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Referendum - Spring 2024

Referendum 2024 Results: Community Supports Question #2

On Tuesday, April 2, 2024, voters in the Lake Country School District considered a two-question special election comprising two distinct and vital questions, addressing both immediate and long-term needs within our school district.  Following the vote, the unofficial election results are:

Question 1 (Operational Revenue): 594 YES (46.1%) and 695 NO (53.9%)
Question 2 (GO Bond): 691 YES (54%) and 589 NO (46%)

District Administrator Chad Schraufnagel expressed his gratitude to the community for their support:  “I extend my sincere appreciation to the entire community for taking the time to learn more about the needs of the district. This community investment will provide a safe and healthy building, while also assisting in reducing operating costs. These savings can then be redirected into our budget to meet facility needs well into the future.”  Schraufnagel continued, “While failing our operational referendum will be extremely challenging, our administrative team will work closely with the school board in the coming weeks to develop a fiscally responsible budget for next year.”

In the coming weeks, the District will work with our project partner SitelogIQ to begin finalizing the details of the facility improvements.

Our commitment to the community is to proceed with a sense of urgency but with the utmost care and diligence to ensure this investment delivers lasting benefits for our students, staff, and community members.

Referendum - Spring 2024

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